“Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a Light on my path.”
— Psalm 119:105
One evening while I was busy making spaghetti for dinner, my husband was also busy installing new overhead lights in our garage. At one point, he had to turn off the power there, but in doing so, he turned off the lights in the kitchen as well. He, very kindly, brought me a small, yet bright, lantern so that I could see to finish dinner. As I was cooking the chicken, I realized that I could not tell if it was done, so I brought the light closer. Not being able to see the chicken was just the first of many problems created by the lack of light.
The next problem presented itself as I was looking for a glass bowl in the cabinet. I noticed how the bowl became invisible in the dark, but once the light was close enough, I was able to find it and continue. Here is what I found interesting about this situation. Even though the light did not shine well enough to see entire objects across the room, it did show the itty-bitty spaghetti bits that were on the countertop and the areas on the stove where splashes of boiling water had landed.
This visual reminded me of our lives. We go through life not applying the Light, Jesus, not taking full advantage of all that Christ has to offer, or we only apply the Light when we need to make something brighter. But, what if, as we went through life, we allowed the Light of Jesus to guide our path, lighting the darkness in every way, not just when we felt we needed it most. Psalm 119:105 tells us that "The Word is a lamp for my feet and a Light on my path." When we allow Jesus, the Light, to shine into our dark places, we invite His Spirit to show us areas of our lives that need guidance and His conviction.
When we see Jesus as our Light, He reveals all the little imperfections in our lives in addition to the big ones, which can be scary. But, once your sins have been brought into the light, you can then ask for forgiveness and let God take them away!
Are you allowing Christ's Light to shine on your darkest secrets?
I challenge you to take some time and think about how you can allow Christ's light to shine on your life so that He radiates His presence into your darkness. What areas of your life need Christ's light shone on them? It is difficult sometimes to talk to God about our sin, but He is patiently waiting for you to come to Him.