Children of Light

Reviving Our Spiritual Passion: Embracing God's Restorative Power

“Restore the joy of Your salvation to me, and give me a willing spirit.”

— Psalm 51:12

Do you remember your first love? Maybe it was way back in middle school, or high school. Do you remember how it felt when that person asked you to be in a relationship with them? Were you giddy? Was your tummy filled with butterflies?

As the new relationship "honeymoon period" begins to dwindle, the love that was a strong glue holding you two together starts to lose its stickiness. Your heart isn't in it anymore, other things take priority, and then the relationship seems to fizzle out. Now, think back to when you first asked Christ into your heart. Do you remember those feelings? Were you happy? Filled with joy? Were you overwhelmed with love? And now, think about your relationship with Christ today. Has that intense feeling started to waver or is it as healthy as ever? Even if our outward actions seem fine, when our hearts become disengaged or distant, love begins to fade. We start to forget how it once felt.

Satan cannot destroy us, but he would love nothing more than to ruin our sense of identity and intimacy with Christ. The temptation and pressure to not closely follow Christ can result in feeling secluded, separated, and powerless in our spiritual walk.

Here is where Satan takes hold and takes advantage of our weakness, because apart from God we are nothing and we are weak.

Psalm 51:10-12 is a great little prayer: "God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not banish me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore the joy of Your salvation to me, and give me a willing spirit."

The cure for losing the feeling of love is to fall fast in love again through your actions. God wants you to come back to Him. He has His arms open wide!

Will you come back to your first love?

Perspectives into Practice:

I pray that you will fall back in love with Jesus, today! He wants you back. Start reading His love letters to you. Those are the stories in the Bible that He wrote just for you. He loves you with an everlasting love!

 Children of Light
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